A few months back, some of you may recall that I was chattering more than usual about the photography opportunities at Transition Ranch near Uvalde, Texas. During the dry spring of 2014, I helped the owners select photo blind locations and I showed them where to find golden-cheeked warblers and black-capped vireos. After a few days at the ranch, I was really excited about the possibilities. Then, when April arrived this year, the ranch was drenched with record amounts of rainfall.
Here are a few of the images I captured at Transition Ranch while guiding two groups of photographers at mid-month. For best viewing, click on an image to enlarge and sharpen it. Click on the right center of each image to advance through the images.
House Finches were abundant in spite of heavy rains.

Frequent rains through the winter and spring made it impossible to complete photo blinds for golden-cheeked warblers and black-capped vireos. Although shy, they should come to water in this dry country during a normal spring and summer.

With abundant moisture, came abundant wildflowers and blooming prickly pear cactus.

Some of our photographers got excellent photos of painted buntings and Montezuma quail. I can’t wait for next year…may it be just a little drier.
*** I’ve got a Canon 7D camera with battery grip and a 100-400 mm Canon IS lens (not the new model) for sale. Both are in great shape. If you are interested, let me know and/or make me an offer. I’ve still got the boxes, papers, straps, etc. for them.